What is Connective Leadership™?
The Connective Leadership™ Model represents a leadership model designed for the current Connective Era, an era marked by the tensions between interdependence and diversity.
What are Achieving Styles™?
Achieving Styles™ are the nine underlying behavioral strategies that individuals characteristically call upon to achieve their goals.
The Seven Assessments
The Connective Leadership Institute has developed seven inventories, or assessments, for measuring current and aspired to Connective Leadership™ Profiles and the underlying Achieving Styles™ repertoire.
The Connective Leadership Institute is a leadership development & research firm.
The CLI is devoted to enabling leaders to address ethically the key challenges of a world where groups with divergent agendas must live and work interdependently.
The Connective Leadership™ / Achieving Styles™ Model
In a world where inclusion is critical and connection inevitable, the Institute offers sound, realistic alternatives for improving leadership practice, stimulating innovation, encouraging “hot groups,” implementing change, and dealing with crisis.
The Institute’s unique Connective Leadership™ Model, based on the underlying behavioral Achieving Styles™ Model, offers rigorously-developed assessment tools (ASI, OASI, ASSET, and ASI360°, plus “Aspirational” versions of the individual, organizational, and 360° basic assessments).
The Connective Era
The Connective Leadership™ Model represents a leadership model designed for the current Connective Era, an era marked by the tensions between interdependence and diversity. The Connective Era calls for new leadership strategies to enable individuals and groups with diverse – and potentially conflicting – backgrounds, talents, and agendas to live and work together productively, creatively, and harmoniously for their mutual benefit.
In today’s interconnected global society, Jean Lipman-Blumen’s visionary work is the ‘go to’ manual for leaders who seek to bring collaboration, cohesion and consensus in today’s fractured world.
Achieving Styles™
Connective Leadership™ offers an important perspective for bringing together diverse, even conflicting, groups that exist in an interdependent environment. Achieving Styles™ are the nine underlying behavioral strategies that individuals characteristically call upon to achieve their goals.
I learned from Connective Leadership that all of the nine ‘Achieving Styles’ play a part in effective leadership. We should flow between styles depending on the situation. We should pay close attention to using styles we don’t usually use, to better our ability to adjust to situations.

Featured Case Studies
The Seven Assessments
The Connective Leadership Institute has developed seven inventories, or assessments, for measuring Connective Leadership™ Profiles and the underlying Achieving Styles™ repertoire, as well as aspired change.

Measures the leadership behaviors that individuals use to accomplish their goals. There are nine leadership behaviors the Individual Inventory identifies. When taken together, they constitute an individual’s Connective Leadership™ Profile.

Measures the leadership behaviors that individuals aspire to use in the future to accomplish their goals. Used in conjunction with the ASI, the A-ASI enables an individual to compare his or her current leadership behaviors to those he or she aspires to use in the future.

Measures the leadership behaviors that an organization values and rewards. Used in conjunction with the ASI (Individual), the Organizational Inventory can determine the fit between an individual’s leadership behavior and the leadership behavior valued and rewarded by a particular organization.

Measures the leadership behaviors that you feel your organization should value and reward in the future. Used in conjunction with the OASI, the A-OASI enables an organization to compare how it currently values and rewards leadership behaviors to how it would like to reward and value those behaviors in the future.

Measures any specific task or position in terms of the leadership behaviors that are necessary for success. Used in conjunction with the ASI, ASSET can rank order the candidates in terms of their Achieving Styles™ fit for any particular task or position.
Two Versions
ASSET-P: Position or Role

Consists of two Inventories: one that measures the individual leadership behaviors of a focal person (ASI360F) and another Inventory that measures perceptions of that person’s behaviors, as seen by relevant peers, colleagues, direct reports, supervisors, clients/customers, acquaintances, etc. (ASI360E). This Inventory Suite is useful in executive and leadership coaching, as well as in conflict management situations.

Consists of two Inventories: one that measures the leadership behaviors that a focal person aspires to use in the future to accomplish his or her goals (A-ASI360F) and another Inventory that measures the leadership behaviors that a focal person should aspire to use, as perceived by relevant others (A-ASI360E). Used in conjunction with the ASI360, the A-ASI360 not only enables an individual to compare his or her current leadership behaviors to those he or she aspires to use in the future, but the evaluator’s inventory helps the focal person understand both how relevant others perceive his or her current behaviors and the behaviors they would prefer the Focal Person use in the future.
Books and Articles about Connective Leadership™
Read books on Connective Leadership™, Toxic Leadership, Hot Groups, The Art of Followership, & related leadership topics.